HomeNews & Events2011March Symposium and Exhibit:...
March 28, 8:30 AM - 8:30 PM
Heaslip House, 7th Floor
297 Victoria Street, Ryerson University
Award-winning Toronto Star urban affairs columnist CHRISTOPHER HUME explores the interrelationship of modernity, community, and city building.
Installations, Presentations, and Round Table
Art Exhibit with a digital book installation and photography.
Session 1: Self-Conceptions: Identity and Modernity
Session 2: The Conditions of Modernity/Reading Modernity • Session 3: Flight Out off Time: Modernity and Nostalgia
Session 4: Sites of Modernity: Architecture, Space, City
Session 5: Modernity, the Secular and The Spiritual
Session 6: Modernity and Technology . Round Table: Modernity, Cognition, Trauma.
30 Artists and Scholars from Canada, the US, and Britain including
Charles Reeve (OCAD), John Wrighton (Brighton), Daniel Nutters (Temple), Ihor Junyk (Trent), Genevieve Cloutier (UQAM), Cheryl Epstein (National Ballet School), Gregory Dandeles (US Air Force Academy), Robert Hemmings (Nipissing-Muskoka) and others.
This event is free and open to the general public. Refreshments will be provided all day including lunch. A reception concludes the day. Registration is free.
This symposium is hosted by the Literatures of Modernity Graduate Program in the English Department and organized by the graduate students in LM8912: Modernity as a Public Event. It is sponsored by the Office of the Provost and Vice President, the Vice Provost Student, the Dean of Arts, the Literatures of Modernity Graduate Program and the Modern Literature and Culture Research Centre. For more information or to RSVP: 416-979-5000 ext. 7668 or 2125; modernity@english.ryerson.ca.