HomeNews & Events2015September Emma Dunn joins MLC
Emma Dunn is a Ph.D. student in the Communication and Culture program at Ryerson University, having previously completed an M.A. in English (2015), a B.Ed. (2014), and a B.A. (Honours) in English Language and Literature (2014) at Brock University. Emma’s Master’s research project, “Voracious Vampires: Anorexic Logic in Stephanie Meyer’s Twilight Series,” explored the correlation between anorexic and post-feminist values in Stephanie Meyer’s Twilight novels. Supported by a SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship, and mentored by Dr. Irene Gammel, Emma Dunn’s doctoral studies examine how the logic of anorexia functions through the figure of the post-feminist action heroine in popular speculative fiction franchises for young adults.