HomeNews & Events2013May Stephen Broomer
MLC Doctoral Scholar in Residence Stephen Broomer holds a BFA in Film and Video Production (2006) and an MA in Film Studies (2008) from York University. In the Communication and Culture Program at Ryerson University, he is completing his doctoral dissertation, "Northern Densities: Difficult Art and the Canadian Avant-Garde Film," under the supervision of MLC Research Associate Bruce Elder. Stephen's research interests include the history of student and vanguard art in Canada, the relationship between difficult aesthetics and modernist avant-garde cinema, and the fate of difficult art. Stephen is also a filmmaker, film preservationist, and poet.
At the MLC Research Centre, under the mentorship of Dr. Gammel, Stephen hones his research and publishing skills, participates in the Writing and Publishing Group (PUBZ), and organizes an Avant-garde Film Series for the Fall 2013.