HomeNews & Events2013April Big Win for Doctoral Student...
SSHRC Storyteller: Doctoral Student Dan Brown's Video Showcases MLC Research among Top 25 in Canada
This year, the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) launched a competition, asking postsecondary students "to show Canadians how social sciences and humanities research is affecting our lives, our world and our future prosperity."
Storytellers were asked to pitch a SSHRC-funded research project in film, social media, or other media. The goal was to showcase the best ideas in the humanities and social sciences by introducing research projects funded by SSHRC. Another goal was to show how SSHRC funded research contributes to "a better life." Competitors were given a very tight deadline.
Despite the time challenge, SSHRC received over 90 submissions. A jury composed of high-profile journalists and SSHRC representatives selected the top 25 stories.
Among the winners is Dan Brown, a doctoral student in the Communication and Culture program at Ryerson University and a research assistant at the Modern Literature and Culture Research Centre. Dan's video, which includes interviews with other members of the MLC Research Team, showcases Dr. Irene Gammel's SSHRC-funded research on Canadian literary icon L.M. Montgomery, the author of the popular novel Anne of Green Gable.
The 25 winners receive a prize of $3000. As well, they are invited by SSHRC to present their winning video at the 2013 Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences in Ottawa. Dr. Wendy Cukier, Ryerson's VP Research and Innovation, has graciously offered to pay for travels. Ryerson was well represented in the competition, with four winners, three of them from the Faculty of Arts. Thank you also to Janet Lum, associate dean of arts for research and graduate studies, for supporting the worthy effort.
For more on the SSHRC's storytelling competition, click here.