HomeNews & Events2013March The Modernist World - Call for...

The editors of The Modernist World (Routledge) seek contributors to write high-level overview essays (4000 words) on the following aspects of modernism:
- Literature in South Asia
- Literature in North Africa, Arabia, and the Middle East
- Architecture and Design in South Asia
- Architecture and Design in Canada and the USA
- Architecture and Design in Latin America and Luso-Hispanic America
- Architecture and Design in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Architecture and Design in Australia and the Pacific
- Music in East/Southeast Asia
- Intellectual Currents in East/Southeast Asia
- Intellectual Currents in the North Africa, Arabia, and the MIddle East
- Intellectual Currents in Canada and the USA
- Intellectual Currents in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Intellectual Currents in Australia and the Pacific
- Dance in Canada and the USA
- Film in East/Southeast Asia
- Film in North Africa, Arabia, and the Middle East
- Film in Latin and Luso-Hispanic Americas
- Visual Arts in Latin and Luso-Hispanic Americas