- Alumni, Graduate Students & Research Assistants
- CDS, BA (Honours), MA
- Communication and Culture
- Ryerson University
Alanna McKnight
Alanna is a proud MLC Alumna and no longer with the Centre.
Alanna McKnight is the Archives Assistant at the Modern Literature and Culture Research Centre, working to make the archive a usable resource, and ensuring that the documents at the Centre are properly cared for and can be used as research tools for years to come. Alanna has completed undergraduate programs in Costume Studies at Dalhousie University, Canadian History at York University, and recently completed a masters in History at York University. Her thesis, "Tentering Trade: Women in Toronto’s Needle-Trades, 1834-1861,” was completed using a wide variety of archival research, which compelled her to enroll in George Brown College’s Certificate in Archives and Records Management.
As a PhD student in Communications and Culture at Ryerson (2013-2017), Alanna researches corset manufacturing in nineteenth- and early twentieth-century Toronto.