- Alumni, Undergraduate Students & Recent Graduates
- BA
- English
- Ryerson University
Gabriela Will
Gabriela is a proud MLC Alumna and no longer with the Centre.
Gabriela Will is a BA student at Ryerson University (2016-2020), completing a double major in English and Philosophy. Her interests in Modernism revolve around innovations in gender presentation, literary form and style, as well as in analyzing modernist themes through the broader lens of critical theory. She is on the archival committee for the White Wall Review, contributes to The Continuist, and volunteers at the Toronto Zine Library. Sponsored by Ryerson’s Work Study Research Assistant Program, she is excited to assist Dr. Gammel and her team at the MLC with planning for the Modernist Studies Association’s Toronto 2019 conference as well as hone her research skills. She is committed to turning her infatuation with academia into a lifelong love by pursuing a Masters degree after graduation.