- Executive Committee
- MA, BA (Honours)
- Communication and Culture
- York University
Dr. Jason Wang
Dr. Jason Wang holds a Ph.D. in Communication and Culture (York University, 2021), an M.A. in Literatures of Modernity (Ryerson University, 2013), and a B.A. Honours with double majors in Communication Studies and Psychology (York University, 2012). He specializes in studying how modernist and contemporary literature and culture encode power, politics, and social values. His doctoral dissertation, “Urban Walking: Configuring the Modern City as Cultural and Spatial Practice” (defended with distinction), explored the aesthetics of spatial politics and the politics of spatial aesthetics in urban literature and culture from the early twentieth century to the post-industrial era.
Dr. Wang is a Postdoctoral Fellow at the MLC Research Centre (2021-2023), working with Dr. Gammel on a volume of essays exploring creative resilience and COVID-19. A member of the Executive Team at the MLC Research Centre, Jason oversees the CFI-funded research space of the MLC Research & Innovation Zone (RIZ), provides technology leadership for the CWAHI (hybrid) conference, and is cohost of the MLC Pandemic Webinar Series.
Gammel, Irene and Jason Wang, editors. Creative Resilience and COVID-19: Figuring the Everyday in a Pandemic, Routledge, January 2022.
Gammel, Irene and Jason Wang. “’Why has the outbreak turned so deadly’: Diary from a Quarantined City.” Creative Resilience and COVID-19: Figuring the Everyday during a Pandemic, edited by Irene Gammel and Jason Wang, Routledge, 2022.
Wang, Jason. “Miss Flutterby: Florine Stettheimer's Dispassionate Flâneuse and Subversive Urban Consumer.” Florine Stettheimer: New Directions in Multimodal Modernism. Irene Gammel and Suzanne Zelazo, eds. Toronto: Book*hug, 2019. 200-221.
Wang, Jason. “Between (Hi)Story and Space: Wayson Choy’s Postmodern Chinatown.” Confluences 2: Essays on the New Canadian Literature. Nurjehan Aziz, ed. Toronto: Mawenzi House, 2017. 19-30.
Book Reviews
Wang, Jason. "Asianfail: Narratives of Disenchantment and the Model Minority by Eleanor Ty." Journal of Asian American Studies, 22.1 (2019): 125-128.
Gammel, Irene and Jason Wang. "Urban Space and Cultural Imagination: Representation of Working Girls in Theodore Dreiser's Novels by Yuping Wang." Studies in American Naturalism 11.2 (2016): 92-95.
Gammel, Irene and Jason Wang. “Of Cowherds and Wagers: A Poetics of Chinese-Canadian Family Histories.” Review of May Q. Wong, A Cowherd in Paradise and Vincent Lam’s The Headmaster's Wager, Canadian Literature, 6 Nov. 2014.
Peer-Reviewed Encyclopedia Entries
Wang, Jason. “Chinese Revolution of 1911 (Xinhai Revolution),” “Lin Yutang,” “New Cultural Movement (China),” and “Zheng Zhengqiu.” Routledge Encyclopedia of Modernism. Gen. ed. Stephen Ross. London: Routledge, 2014.
Selected Conference Papers
Wang, Jason. “Urban Walking: Re-configuring the Metropolis on foot in Post-9/11 Fiction.” Canadian Comparative Literature Association. Congress HSSFC 2017: The Next 150, On Indigenous Lands, Ryerson University, Toronto, 27 May – 2 June 2017.
Wang, Jason. "Refashioning Urban Nightlife: The Nocturnal Aesthetics in Jay McInerney’s Bright Lights, Big City." The 47th Annual Convention of the Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA), Hartford, Connecticut, 17 – 20 March 2016.
Gammel, Irene and Jason Wang. “The Geo-Cultural Capital of Family History: Performing ‘Chineseness’ in May Q. Wong’s A Cowherd in Paradise.” Canadian Comparative Literature Association. Congress HSSFC 2015: Capital Ideas, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, 31 May – 3 June 2015.
Wang, Jason. “Urban Walking as a Poetic Practice of Liminal Space: Teju Cole’s Open City.” The 46th Annual Convention of the Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA), Toronto, 30 April – 3 May 2015.
Wang, Jason. “Performing Coastal Space as Ethnic History: Vancouver’s Chinatown in Wayson Choy’s Paper Shadows.” The 130th Annual Convention of Modern Language Association (MLA), Vancouver, 8–11 January 2015.
Wang, Jason. “Baroness Elsa and Her Anti-chic Dada: Locating Anarchist Fashion in Modernist Aesthetics.” Modernism Now! British Association of Modernism Studies International Conference, London, UK, 26 – 28 June 2014.