- Alumni
- MA
- Literatures of Modernity
- Ryerson University
Jessica Young
Jessica is a proud MLC Alumna and no longer with the Centre.
An MA student in the Literatures of Modernity program at Ryerson University (2017-2018), Jessica Young has been combining her love of literature and public history since completing her BA (Honours) in History and English Language and Literature at Queen’s University (2012-2016). She has worked as a writer for Sullivan Entertainment and she is a member of the L.M. Montgomery Heritage Society of Norval, working towards transforming L.M. Montgomery’s Norval home into a Museum and Literary Arts Centre. Jessica’s Major Research Project, supervised by Dr. Irene Gammel, combines her passion for public history and her knowledge of literary theory, expanding on L.M. Montgomery scholarship using contemporary case studies. Jessica is excited to join the MLC team and contribute to their diverse and interdisciplinary research, involving herself in the Centre’s study of Great War literature and culture.
Young, Jessica and K.L. Morrison. "Halton Hills". The Canadian Encyclopedia. Toronto: Historica Canada, 2012. Web. 23 March 2017.