- Alumni, Graduate Students & Research Assistants
- BA, MA
- English
- Ryerson University
Laura Berger
Laura is a proud MLC Alumna and no longer with the Centre.
Laura Berger holds an MA in English (McMaster University, 2012) and an MA in Popular Culture (Brock University, 2011). She completed her BA (with honors) at Ryerson University in Arts and Contemporary Studies (2010). Laura’s primary research interests are contemporary popular culture and literature, particularly representations of aging, gender, and sexuality. On Dr. Gammel’s research team, Laura Berger studied St. Nicholas: Scribner’s Illustrated Magazine for Boys and Girls (1873-1943).
Following her residency at the MLC, Laura Berger accepted a position as a writer and researcher for Women and Hollywood, a division of Indiewire. The New York Times described Women and Hollywood as "an influential blog that advocates for gender parity in moviedom, especially behind the camera."
Click here for Laura Berger’s work on St. Nicholas magazine.
Laura was awarded an Ontario Graduate Scholarship (2010-2011) and a Graduate Scholarship from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (2011-2012).
Berger, Laura. "They are Living in a Post-Feminist World, and They are (Poster) Post-Feminist Girls: ‘It’ Girls in Cecily von Ziegesar’s Post- Feminist Jr. Chick Lit.” Her Own Worst Enemy: The Eternal Internal Gender Wars of Our Sisters. Eds. Monique Ferrell and Julian Williams. Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt Publishing Company, 2014 [forthcoming].
Berger, Laura. "Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Movie.” Joss Whedon: The Complete Companion. Ed. Mary Alice Money. London, UK: Titan Books, 2012. 429-431.
Conference Presentations
Berger, Laura. "St. Nicholas Magazine’s Heroines of Service: Aspirational Figures for Girls in Wartime.” "Northeast Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association (NEPCA) Annual Conference.” Burlington, Vermont. October 25-26, 2013.
Berger, Laura. "Mirror, Mirror on the Wall: Reflections of Aging in Snow White and the Huntsman.” "From Pippi to Ripley: The Female Figure in Fantasy and Science Fiction Conference.” Ithaca, New York. May 3-4, 2013.