- Alumni, Graduate Students & Research Assistants
- BA (Honours)
- Media Information and Technoculture
Valerie Velardo
Valerie is a proud MLC Alumna and no longer with the Centre.
Valerie Velardo holds a B.A. Honours in Media Information and Technoculture (MIT) from the University of Western Ontario, and an MA in Communication and Culture from Ryerson University. She completed her MRP "Intersections of Gender and Political Economy: Florine Stettheimer and Other Modernist Salonnieres” under the supervision of Dr. Irene Gammel in 2012. Also under Dr. Gammel’s supervision, Valerie completed a curatorial field placement at the MLC Research Centre, and assisted with the research for and curating of an exhibition of Baroness Elsa’s poetry in New York, which culminated in her gallery experience with the Francis M. Naumann Gallery in New York, and Art Basel Miami. Following her studies at Ryerson, Valerie pursued an MA in Art History (with contemporary and modern focus) at the University of Toronto. Valerie works at The Power Plant Contemporary Art Gallery as a Curatorial Assistant.