HomeNews & Events2018February Parallels: Women Representing...

Although the Great War is often gendered male, the women who engaged with the war left an indelible impact on history. Soldiering through countless hardships, women artists in Canada and Newfoundland contributed unique representations of the Great War and its effects on society at a national scale.
Parallels, an exhibition at Ryerson’s MLC Gallery, pays tribute to a mighty triad of female artists. Among the items on public display are sculpting tools, publications and a dazzling silk scarve that has a war time story all its own.
This exhibition is open to the general public. All are welcome to come and explore the critical impact of these significant women artists on the narrative and visual culture of the Great War.
Parallels: Women Representing the Great War in Canada and Newfoundland
Modern Literature and Culture Research Centre Gallery
111 Gerrard Street East, Toronto, Lower Floor
March 15 - April 30, 2018
Opening Hours: Monday to Friday, 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Curator’s Guided Tour of the Exhibition
Wednesday, March 14, 1:00 PM
RSVP by email
For more information about the exhibition or for interviews with the curator, please contact:
Cameron MacDonald, coordinator, admin@mlc.ryerson.ca
Caitlin Bailey, curator, curator@greatwarcentre.com
View complete information about the exhibition